
eNEWS: Kantu To Grace Her Fans With An Album Before She Drops The Mic


Talented singer Kantu has announced that she’s quitting music to pave way for new opportunities. The 30-year-old singer who recently got married to businessman Michael Phiri thanked her fans for the love and support they have render over the years cause her musical journey has been nothing but amazing and cheered her on even when times were hard”.

The singer also quoted that she has healed and strengthen herself along with others through her music journey. However she also hinted that she will bless her fans with a the last body work before officially dropping the mic.

She Wrote:

“I want take this time to thank everyone that has supported my Music career. My musical journey has been nothing but amazing because you all cheered me on even when times were hard”.

“You may not know this but Music healed my soul. To help mend broken hearts and strengthen people through my music has been a great blessing, one I will always treasure. Unfortunately, everything must come to an end. I’ve decided to give way to other things in my life and so I have to say goodbye. I will however put out ONE BEAUTIFUL ALBUM as a gift to those who have loved and supported my music. It will be a little something for you to remember me by. I will forever cherish y’all,” said Kantu in posting on her Facebook account.

We at 9Flavour wish her all the best in all her future en devours!

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